So I’ve recently got back an old website that I lost due to notifications going to an old email address (sucky domain registrars). Here we are two years later and I’ve managed to get the domain back with my main host and registrar now dreamhost.com (gotta love their simple but effective renewal of domains policy) but it was not without it’s problems.
Once I’d overcome the technical issues with my wordpress installation (thanks to dreamhost support) I decided to read up and undertake some basic wordpress maintenance. One of the suggestions was to minimise the themes you have installed, but are not using. Seems pretty straightforward, but wordpress has no in-built way to delete multiple themes. Step in the delete multiple themes plugin.
Mass Theme Delete Plugin
This simple plugin does what wordpress should do, allows an administrator to delete multiple themes. So I’m deleting all but the theme I’m using and the basic default wordpress themes like 2012 (as backups).
You can find out more about the plugin here and the authors Happy Plugins here.
So a few mins later I’m down from 47 to 8 themes. Quite a clear out.
I’m a small business consultant enabling small business owners to achieve sustainable growth, whilst working part-time at Tees Valley Arts. For more about me personally see peterneal.co.uk