Partly for my own benefit, I’ve decided to keep a list of my essential google chrome extensions. So here you go:
Switch to Tab by zboogs, originally by Frank Yan, source at github.
This is absolutely essential if like me you always have lots and lots of tabs open at any one time… Just type sw <space> on your Mac and it’ll search each tabbed page for the words you write after that.
If you use more than one browser, on more than one computer this syncs bookmarks between all of your browsers on all of your computers. It’s an excellent way to keep bookmarks under control.
Session Buddy by Hans
Though this doesn’t automatically save your sessions. It’s very handy indeed to be able to save a session if you’re having a problem or you just want to close Chrome and re-open it to free up some space.
RSS Subscription Extension by Google
For some reason this isn’t built into Chrome directly, but if you read lots of blogs and prefer to add feeds to your google reader account this is essential.
History 2 by robertoullan
What’s the point in getting google to store all your web history if the interface to search it or just glance through is as hopeless as the default google history. Replace it with this more friendly version.
Image Properties Context Menu by Chris
Working with images in chrome is a pain in the a**. Improve it with this simple extension.
I’ll be adding more to it as I go along, but please recommend any you use in the comments!
I’m a small business consultant enabling small business owners to achieve sustainable growth, whilst working part-time at Tees Valley Arts. For more about me personally see peterneal.co.uk